Air Traffic Controller Officers (ATC) are officers who regulate the movement of aircraft that fly or are in the area of movement at the airport such as aprons (aircraft parking lots) and taxiways (where the transition from runway to apron or vice versa). This study aims to determine the description of blood pressure, stress level, pulse of Air Traffic Controller employees. This research was conducted at Airnav Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar. The method used in this research is analytic observational with a cross sectional approach by looking of the level of stress, blood pressure and pulse of an air traffic controller. The Sample of this study was done on ATC employees. Measurement of the stress level was carried out using a questionnaire, blood pressure uses a blood pressure gauge, while the pulse uses palpation. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16. The results showed that after measuring blood pressure, stress levels, and pulses on the Air Traffic Controller, the results showed that the average Air Traffic Controller employee had a history of high hypertension, as well as at stress levels. Whereas the pulse of an ATC is normal. This can occur because an ATC does not do much physical exertion during work but rather expends a lot of thought power during controlling the aircraft.Unduhan
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