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Determinant of Land Use Change in South Kalimantan: An Evidence from Banjarbaru City and Banjar Regency
Corresponding Author(s) : Fathia Hashilah
Forest and Society,
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): APRIL
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- Arnot, C. D., Luckert, M. K., & Boxall, P. C. (2011). What is tenure security? Conceptual implications for empirical analysis. Land Economics, 87(2), 297-311.
- Bennett, C., Ridwansyah, M., Siscawati, M., & Sommerville, M. (2019). Indonesia land tenure and property rights assessment: integrated land and resource governance task order under the strengthening tenure and resource rights II (STARRII) IDIQ. USAID.
- Bergeron, G., & Pender, J. (1999). Determinants of land use change: Evidence from a community study in Honduras. EPTD Discussion Paper No. 46. Environment and Production Technology Division of International Food Policy Research Institute.
- Briassoulis, H. (2009). Factors influencing land-use and land-cover change. Land cover, land use and the global change, encyclopaedia of life support systems (EOLSS), 1, 126-146.
- Briassoulis, H. (2020). Analysis of land use change: Theoretical and modelling approaches. Regional Research Institute, West Virginia University
- Chakir, R., & Parent, O. (2009). Determinants of land use changes: A spatial multinomial probit approach. Papers in Regional Science, 88(2), 327-344.
- Cho, S. J., & McCarl, B. (2021). Major united states land use as influenced by an altering climate: A spatial econometric approach. Land, 10(5), 546.
- Dias, L. C., Pimenta, F. M., Santos, A. B., Costa, M. H., & Ladle, R. J. (2016). Patterns of land use, extensification, and intensification of Brazilian agriculture. Global change biology, 22(8), 2887-2903.
- FAO. (2002). FAO land tenure studies. Retrieved from
- FAO. (2004). FAO ethic series: The ethic of sustainable agricultural intensification. Retrieved from
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- Fisher, P., & Unwin, D. (2005). Re-presenting geographical information systems. In Fisher, P., & Unwin, D. (Eds.), Re–presenting GIS (pp. 1-16). John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Futemma, C., & Brondízio, E. S. (2003). Land reform and land-use changes in the lower Amazon: Implications for agricultural intensification. Human Ecology, 31(3), 369-402.
- Given, L. M. (2008). Semi-structured interview. The SAGE encyclopedia of qualitative research methods, 2, 810-811.
- Kubitza, C., Krishna, V. V., Urban, K., Alamsyah, Z., & Qaim, M. (2018). Land property rights, agricultural intensification, and deforestation in Indonesia. Ecological economics, 147, 312-321.
- Lambin, E. F., & Meyfroidt, P. (2011). Global land use change, economic globalization, and the looming land scarcity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 108(9), 3465-3472.
- Lambin, E. F., Geist, H. J., & Lepers, E. (2003). Dynamics of land-use and land-cover change in tropical regions. Annual review of environment and resources, 28(1), 205-241.
- Lindarto, D., Sirojuzilam., Badaruddin., & Aulia, D., N. (2018). The place character as land use change determinant in Deli Serdang. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 126(1), 012080.
- Martin-Guay, M. O., Paquette, A., Dupras, J., & Rivest, D. (2018). The green revolution: Sustainable intensification of agriculture by intercropping. Science of The Total Environment, 651, 767-772.
- McCarthy, J. F., & Robinson, K. (2016). Land, economic development, social justice, and environmental management in Indonesia: The search for the people’s sovereignty. In McCarthy, J. F., & Robinson, K. (Eds.), Land and development in Indonesia: Search for the people’s sovereignty (pp. 1-31). ISEAS Publishing.
- Ninh, L. K. (2021). Economic role of education in agriculture: Evidence from rural Vietnam. Journal of Economics and Development, 23(1), 47-58.
- Prasetyo, J., & Yosephin, K. (2021). Si Tantan: Informasi Banjir Kalimantan Selatan. ArcGIS Hub. Retrieved from 0d09d39c80fc4ba1bac739f4af110c0e
- Pratama, M. B., Multazima, R., & Azkiarizqi, I. N. (2021). Hydro-Meteorological Aspects of the 2021 South Kalimantan Flood: Topography, Tides, and Precipitation. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES), 18(1), 73-90.
- Resosudarmo, B. P., Nawir, A. A., Resosudarmo, I. A. P., & Subiman, N. L. (2012). Forest land use dynamics in Indonesia. In A. Booth, C. Manning & TK. Wie (Eds.), Land, livelihood, the economiy and the environment in Indonesia (pp. 20-50). Yayasan Pustaka Obor.
- Rogger, M., Agnoletti, M., Alaoui, A., Bathurst, J. C., Bodner, G., Borga, M., ... & Blöschl, G. (2017). Land use change impacts on floods at the catchment scale: Challenges and opportunities for future research. Water resources research, 53(7), 5209-5219.
- Ruddiman, W. F. (2013). The anthropocene. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 41, 45-68.
- Siagian, D. R., Shrestha, R. P., Shrestha, S., & Kuwornu, J. K. (2019). Factors driving rice land change 1989–2018 in the Deli Serdang Regency, Indonesia. Agriculture, 9(9), 186.
- Surya, B., Ahmad, D. N. A., Sakti, H. H., & Sahban, H. (2020). Land use change, spatial interaction, and sustainable development in the metropolitan urban areas, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Land, 9(95), 1-43.
- Tanner, C., Bicchieri, M., Nijhoff, P., Daley, E. (2020). A review of land tenure issues in Indonesia and options for the future. FAO Indonesia Report. FAO.
- The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (2011), Land Use of Indonesia in 2011.
- The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (2020), Land Use of Indonesia in 2020.
- Tietenberg, T., & Lewis, L. (2014). Environmental economics and policy: Global edition (6thEd) Pearson.
- Tran, H., Nguyen, Q., & Kervyn, M. (2018). Factors influencing people’s knowledge, attitude, and practice in land use dynamics: A case study in Ca Mau province in the Mekong delta, Vietnam. Land Use Policy, 72, 227-238.
- Trueck, S., & Rachev, S. T. (2009). Rating and scoring techniques. Rating based modelling of credit risk: Theory and application of migration matrices. Academic Press (Elsevier).
- UCLA: Statistical Consulting Group. (n.d). Logistic regression: Stata data analysis examples. Retrieved from
- Vien, H. T. (2011). The linkage between land reform and land use changes: A case of Vietnam. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management, 2(3), 88-96.
- Wilcove, D. S., Giam, X., Edwards, D. P., Fisher, B., & Koh, L. P. (2013). Navjot's nightmare revisited: logging, agriculture, and biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Trends in ecology & evolution, 28(9), 531-540.
- Wolla, S. A., & Sullivan, J. (2017). Education, income, and wealth. Page One Economics®. Accessed from
- Wulffraat, S., Greenwood, C., Faisal, K. F., Sucipto, D., Chan, H., Beukeboom, H., ... & Kinasih, A. (2017). The environmental status of Borneo 2016 report. Heart of Borneo Programme.
Arnot, C. D., Luckert, M. K., & Boxall, P. C. (2011). What is tenure security? Conceptual implications for empirical analysis. Land Economics, 87(2), 297-311.
Bennett, C., Ridwansyah, M., Siscawati, M., & Sommerville, M. (2019). Indonesia land tenure and property rights assessment: integrated land and resource governance task order under the strengthening tenure and resource rights II (STARRII) IDIQ. USAID.
Bergeron, G., & Pender, J. (1999). Determinants of land use change: Evidence from a community study in Honduras. EPTD Discussion Paper No. 46. Environment and Production Technology Division of International Food Policy Research Institute.
Briassoulis, H. (2009). Factors influencing land-use and land-cover change. Land cover, land use and the global change, encyclopaedia of life support systems (EOLSS), 1, 126-146.
Briassoulis, H. (2020). Analysis of land use change: Theoretical and modelling approaches. Regional Research Institute, West Virginia University
Chakir, R., & Parent, O. (2009). Determinants of land use changes: A spatial multinomial probit approach. Papers in Regional Science, 88(2), 327-344.
Cho, S. J., & McCarl, B. (2021). Major united states land use as influenced by an altering climate: A spatial econometric approach. Land, 10(5), 546.
Dias, L. C., Pimenta, F. M., Santos, A. B., Costa, M. H., & Ladle, R. J. (2016). Patterns of land use, extensification, and intensification of Brazilian agriculture. Global change biology, 22(8), 2887-2903.
FAO. (2002). FAO land tenure studies. Retrieved from
FAO. (2004). FAO ethic series: The ethic of sustainable agricultural intensification. Retrieved from
FAO. (2015). A data portrait of smallholder farmers: An introduction to a dataset on small-scale agriculture. Retrieved from
Fisher, P., & Unwin, D. (2005). Re-presenting geographical information systems. In Fisher, P., & Unwin, D. (Eds.), Re–presenting GIS (pp. 1-16). John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Futemma, C., & Brondízio, E. S. (2003). Land reform and land-use changes in the lower Amazon: Implications for agricultural intensification. Human Ecology, 31(3), 369-402.
Given, L. M. (2008). Semi-structured interview. The SAGE encyclopedia of qualitative research methods, 2, 810-811.
Kubitza, C., Krishna, V. V., Urban, K., Alamsyah, Z., & Qaim, M. (2018). Land property rights, agricultural intensification, and deforestation in Indonesia. Ecological economics, 147, 312-321.
Lambin, E. F., & Meyfroidt, P. (2011). Global land use change, economic globalization, and the looming land scarcity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 108(9), 3465-3472.
Lambin, E. F., Geist, H. J., & Lepers, E. (2003). Dynamics of land-use and land-cover change in tropical regions. Annual review of environment and resources, 28(1), 205-241.
Lindarto, D., Sirojuzilam., Badaruddin., & Aulia, D., N. (2018). The place character as land use change determinant in Deli Serdang. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 126(1), 012080.
Martin-Guay, M. O., Paquette, A., Dupras, J., & Rivest, D. (2018). The green revolution: Sustainable intensification of agriculture by intercropping. Science of The Total Environment, 651, 767-772.
McCarthy, J. F., & Robinson, K. (2016). Land, economic development, social justice, and environmental management in Indonesia: The search for the people’s sovereignty. In McCarthy, J. F., & Robinson, K. (Eds.), Land and development in Indonesia: Search for the people’s sovereignty (pp. 1-31). ISEAS Publishing.
Ninh, L. K. (2021). Economic role of education in agriculture: Evidence from rural Vietnam. Journal of Economics and Development, 23(1), 47-58.
Prasetyo, J., & Yosephin, K. (2021). Si Tantan: Informasi Banjir Kalimantan Selatan. ArcGIS Hub. Retrieved from 0d09d39c80fc4ba1bac739f4af110c0e
Pratama, M. B., Multazima, R., & Azkiarizqi, I. N. (2021). Hydro-Meteorological Aspects of the 2021 South Kalimantan Flood: Topography, Tides, and Precipitation. International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES), 18(1), 73-90.
Resosudarmo, B. P., Nawir, A. A., Resosudarmo, I. A. P., & Subiman, N. L. (2012). Forest land use dynamics in Indonesia. In A. Booth, C. Manning & TK. Wie (Eds.), Land, livelihood, the economiy and the environment in Indonesia (pp. 20-50). Yayasan Pustaka Obor.
Rogger, M., Agnoletti, M., Alaoui, A., Bathurst, J. C., Bodner, G., Borga, M., ... & Blöschl, G. (2017). Land use change impacts on floods at the catchment scale: Challenges and opportunities for future research. Water resources research, 53(7), 5209-5219.
Ruddiman, W. F. (2013). The anthropocene. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 41, 45-68.
Siagian, D. R., Shrestha, R. P., Shrestha, S., & Kuwornu, J. K. (2019). Factors driving rice land change 1989–2018 in the Deli Serdang Regency, Indonesia. Agriculture, 9(9), 186.
Surya, B., Ahmad, D. N. A., Sakti, H. H., & Sahban, H. (2020). Land use change, spatial interaction, and sustainable development in the metropolitan urban areas, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Land, 9(95), 1-43.
Tanner, C., Bicchieri, M., Nijhoff, P., Daley, E. (2020). A review of land tenure issues in Indonesia and options for the future. FAO Indonesia Report. FAO.
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (2011), Land Use of Indonesia in 2011.
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (2020), Land Use of Indonesia in 2020.
Tietenberg, T., & Lewis, L. (2014). Environmental economics and policy: Global edition (6thEd) Pearson.
Tran, H., Nguyen, Q., & Kervyn, M. (2018). Factors influencing people’s knowledge, attitude, and practice in land use dynamics: A case study in Ca Mau province in the Mekong delta, Vietnam. Land Use Policy, 72, 227-238.
Trueck, S., & Rachev, S. T. (2009). Rating and scoring techniques. Rating based modelling of credit risk: Theory and application of migration matrices. Academic Press (Elsevier).
UCLA: Statistical Consulting Group. (n.d). Logistic regression: Stata data analysis examples. Retrieved from
Vien, H. T. (2011). The linkage between land reform and land use changes: A case of Vietnam. Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management, 2(3), 88-96.
Wilcove, D. S., Giam, X., Edwards, D. P., Fisher, B., & Koh, L. P. (2013). Navjot's nightmare revisited: logging, agriculture, and biodiversity in Southeast Asia. Trends in ecology & evolution, 28(9), 531-540.
Wolla, S. A., & Sullivan, J. (2017). Education, income, and wealth. Page One Economics®. Accessed from
Wulffraat, S., Greenwood, C., Faisal, K. F., Sucipto, D., Chan, H., Beukeboom, H., ... & Kinasih, A. (2017). The environmental status of Borneo 2016 report. Heart of Borneo Programme.