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Collaboration after Conflict: A Lesson from Collaborative Action in Customary Land Tenure Conflicts in Lombok, Indonesia
Corresponding Author(s) : Kristina Setyowati
Forest and Society,
Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): APRIL
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Ansell, C., & Gash, A. (2008). Collaborative governance in theory and practice. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 18(4), 543–571.
Bar-Tal, D. (2000). From intractable conflict through conflict resolution to reconciliation: Psychological analysis. Political Psychology, 21(2), 351–365.
Burton, J. W. (1988). Conflict As A Political System. George Mason University.
Dhiaulhaq, A., De Bruyn, T., & Gritten, D. (2015). The use and effectiveness of mediation in forest and land conflict transformation in Southeast Asia: Case studies from Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand. Environmental Science and Policy, 45(November), 132–145.
Elfversson, E. (2016). Postprint Peace from below: Governance and peacebuilding. Journal of Modern African Studies, 54(3), 469–493.
Emerson, K., & Nabatchi, T. (2015). Collaborative Governance regime. Georgetown University Press.
Emerson, K., Nabatchi, T., & Balogh, S. (2012). An integrative framework for collaborative governance. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 22(1), 1–29.
Fisher, J., Stutzman, H., Vedoveto, M., Delgado, D., Rivero, R., Quertehuari Dariquebe, W., Seclén Contreras, L., Souto, T., Harden, A., & Rhee, S. (2020). Collaborative Governance and Conflict Management: Lessons Learned and Good Practices from a Case Study in the Amazon Basin. Society and Natural Resources, 33(4), 538–553.
Fisher, L. A., Kim, Y. S., Latifah, S., & Makarom, M. (2017). Managing forest conflicts: Perspectives of Indonesia’s forest management unit directors. Forest and Society, 1(1), 8–26.
Gabay, M., & Alam, M. (2017). Forest Policy and Economics Community forestry and its mitigation potential in the Anthropocene: The importance of land tenure governance and the threat of privatization ☆. Forest Policy and Economics, 79, 26–35.
Kalabamu, F. T. (2019). Land tenure reforms and persistence of land con fl icts in Sub-Saharan Africa – The case of Botswana. Land Use Policy, 81, 337–345.
Katz, N., & McNulty, K. (1994). Conflict Resolution. Maxwell. NK.pdf
Kossmann, C. M., Behagel, J. H., & Bailey, M. (2016). Action and inertia in collaborative governance. Marine Policy, 72, 21–30.
Larson, A. M. (2013). Tenure rights and access to forests: A training manual for research. CIFOR.
Larson, A. M., Brockhaus, M., Sunderlin, W. D., Duchelle, A., Babon, A., Dokken, T., Pham, T. T., Resosudarmo, I. A. P., Selaya, G., Awono, A., & Huynh, T. B. (2013). Land tenure and REDD+: The good, the bad and the ugly. Global Environmental Change, 23(3), 678–689.
Lokadata. (2019). Konflik agraria di Indonesia, 2010-2019. Lokadata.
Lombard, M. (2016). Land conflict in peri-urban areas: Exploring the effects of land reform on informal settlement in Mexico. Urban Studies, 53(13), 2700–2720.
Pritchard, M. F. (2016). Land Use Policy Contesting land rights in a post-conflict environment: Tenure reform and dispute resolution in the centre-West region of Côte d’ Ivoire. Land Use Policy, 54, 264–275.
Purnomo, E. P., & Anand., P. (2014). The Conflict of Forest Tenure and the Emergence of Community Based Forest Management in Indonesia. Journal of Government and Politics, 5(1), 20–31.
Putnam, R. D. (2000). Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community (1st edition). Simon & Schuster.
Riggs, R., Sayer, J., Anne, R., Sayer, J., Margules, C., & Klintuni, A. (2016). Forest tenure and conflict in Indonesia: Contested rights in Rempek Village, Lombok. Land Use Policy, 57, 241–249.
Rokhim, R., Januari, A. D., Atik, U., Shara, S., & Rusdayanti, N. (2020). Palm oil social conflict resolution and mediation in Jambi. Cogent Social Sciences, 6(1).
Sahide, M. A. K., Fisher, M. R., Maryudi, A., Yee, G., Supratman, S., & Alam, S. (2019). The bureaucratic politics of conservation in governing land conflict: A typology of capacities. MethodsX, 6, 2536–2543.
Silima, T. (2016). Good Governance and Conflict Resolution in Africa. Journal of Public Administration and Development Alternatives, 1(1), 1–14.
Vangen, S., & Huxham, C. (2003). Enacting Leadership for Collaborative Advantage: Dilemmas of Ideology and Pragmatism in the Activities of Partnership Managers. British Journal of Management, 14, 61–76.
Werner, W. (2018). Land tenure and governance on communal land in Namibia. The Second National Land Conference, 1–29.
Wirawan, A. B., Utama, S., Suratno, I. R., & Tambunan, J. R. (2019). Spatial Planning, Land Tenure, and Increasing Conflicts Over Land Claims in Sumatera and Kalimantan: Economic Development, Policy Dynamics, and the Pace of Investment (pp. 1–28). The Urban and Regional Development Institute (URDI).
Zartman, I. W., & Faure, G. O. (2005). Escalation and Negotitation in International Conflicts. In Escalation and Negotiation in International Conflicts (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.