Status Reproduksi Doryichthys boaja di Sungai Barumun

Khairul Khairul


Doryichthys boaja is a species of pipefish. Natural habitat is found in the lower reaches of the Barumun River. So far, it has been used as ornamental fish and medicinal materials. But its production still relies on natural catches. Ongoing fishing activities can threaten population decline and even extinction of D. boaja species. It is necessary to immediately make cultivation efforts to reduce fishing activities from nature. Data related to sexual dimorphism and sex ratio of D. boaja are needed so that it will facilitate spawning efforts. The research is exploratory discriptive with the method of determining the monitoring station by purposive sampling. Fish sampling using a scoopnet. The results of this study describe the sexual dimorphism of D. boaja, where male fish have longer bodies, small eyes, gill caps are small, and under the abdomen there is a deeper hollow for storing eggs of females while and female fish have a shorter body shape. The eyeballs are rather large, the gill caps are larger, and the lower part of the cap has no hollows. Based on the results of data analysis for sex ratio, a ratio of females and males was obtained 1: 1.79. It was concluded that the condition of the sex ratio between female and male fish is unbalanced.


Khairul Khairul (Primary Contact)
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